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The Camping Paradiso Blog is born


It was some time that I was thinking of a way, a channel to share with all our guests the choices, the problems and the various events that revolve around our business and our family.

The idea is to be able to make the greatest number of guests perceive that atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding and esteem that one has, for example, with customers who have been with us for many years and which should be precisely a camping holiday.

Nowadays it is difficult to establish a relationship with our guests that goes beyond that of the customer who pays for a service and that's it. Vacation has become as hectic as work. You have to take advantage of every day, every moment to see, do and try new experiences.

When I was young and camping was in its infancy, I am talking about 30 years ago, the rhythms were completely different. The holidays were longer. There were the July vacationers and then there were the August vacationers. Families often stayed camping for up to a month. In these conditions one could get to know each other well, one could become friends and share experiences. In short, we knew each other and understood each other.

Today this is no longer the case. Holidays have become a touch and go between one engagement and another. Getting to a week's stay is very difficult unless you are retired. The result is holidays that are more sterile from a human point of view and often the campsite, instead of being a place of aggregation and sharing of a common way of experiencing nature and holidays, has become a trivial place to sleep and use services, a place that often because of rules whose spirit is not understood is perceived as a cage.

In recent years I have witnessed and experienced a series of events, which I could define as "ordinary madness" arising from the most trivial reasons, due to rules deemed absurd or because of how we offer certain services. I've seen situations where the famous

"spirit of camping" was lost among the guests because the neighbor parked his car incorrectly and invaded someone else's pitch or because the line for drying clothes passed where it shouldn't.

With this blog then we want to motivate, inform and collect suggestions on the choices we have made and will make. We want to tell stories and stories lived on the campsite and share with those who, due to these modern times, are no longer able to do it as they once did.

It will not be like having a chat with our most loyal guests over a good coffee at the bar under a summer starry sky, but times change and if this can be the way to restore some warmth and humanity to camping holidays why don't try?

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Camping PARADISO  via Rive del Faro, 2 - 61121 - Pesaro (PU) - ITALIA

Tel e whatsapp 39 0721 208579 

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